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14 May 13:00-13:30Online

Back to TicTac event

Curious about updates and new features of Articulate 360? You’ll be even more intrigued when you join us over lunch for the latest. Our expert will make sure to also include one or two best practice tips and show examples for how to make good use of the new possibilities.

You'll learn:

  • New roadmap features
  • Best practice tips
  • Examples

Curious about updates and new features of Articulate 360? You’ll be even more intrigued when you join us over lunch for the latest. Our expert will make sure to also include one or two best practice tips and show examples for how to make good use of the new possibilities.

Welcome to register!

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Meet the Speakers

Carolin Lüken

I have been creating e-learning courses with Articulate and Vyond since 2016 and Iove the combination of learning content, interaction and animated videos and GIFs!  As Teamlead of our fantastic trainer team our certified trainings for Articulate and Vyond are my number one priority every day.

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